Earlier this month (February 2024) we had a brew, and a slice of cake of course, with Moray, our Volunteer Team Leader who told us what our wonderful volunteers have been up to…
“Alongside Toby and Hazel's hard and skilful work on the park and in garden, volunteers are the mainstay of what you see day to day when you visit the park.
Our Volunteers do a wonderful job maintaining and improving our community space.
Without them you would be met by thickets of brambles, relentless weeds and a steady accumulation of litter and overflowing bins, and dare we mention dog poo!!
This is not to say that they don't enjoy what they do; they love volunteering at Ford Park, some have been volunteering for many years as it is an opportunity to use their skill, enthusiasm and energy to support a much loved and valued green space for the community.
Recently we have been propagating new plants. Some will be planted in the garden and others made available for sale so you can enjoy them at home. We’ve been improving soil and clearing beds ready for spring and longer growing days.
We are doing lots of things to improve biodiversity in the park as well as the visual impact and have installed the new Woodland Animal Trail through the woods for younger children.
But it’s not all work! We make time each day to sit together, talk and plan for the future (did I mention tea and cake?).
We are a very friendly bunch, so if you think you’d like to come and volunteer with us, we’d love to hear from you.
Everyone has something they can bring to volunteering. Alongside what we do already, there are opportunities to help run The Beehive, our lovely shop, and from Easter we want open the shop and garden on Saturdays and Sundays. To enable us to do this we are seeking new volunteers.
If you would like to help, or have any special skill to bring, then please do get in touch - you can just drop in and speak to any of the team or email moray.laxton@ford-park.org.uk I look forward to hearing from you. “
You can learn more about volunteering at Ford Park by clicking HERE
And if you'd like to say thank you to our wonderful team of volunteers by making a donation towards PPE, coffee and cake, then please click HERE