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School Visits at Ford Park

Writer's picture: Suzanne EdgleySuzanne Edgley

Ford Park Walled Garden in full bloom
Ford Park Walled Garden in full bloom

Earlier this month we announced exciting plans for School Visits to Ford Park. Some schools visited last year and they loved the hands on learning experience, so this year we’ve been able to open up opportunities for schools to book visits – although there aren’t many left!

Local schools are invited to discover the magic of nature at Ford Park with school visits that offer children a wonderful opportunity to connect with nature, learn about where food comes from, and develop eco-friendly habits with hands-on activities.

Our Gardener Hazel, Park Maintenance Officer Toby and Volunteer Co-Ordinator Moray, have created a selection of activities that can be tailored to all age groups from Reception to Year 6.  

Each school will be able to select 2 activities that can be tailored to the age group visiting the park.

Hazel has 2 fabulous activities; Seed Propagation, where children learn about propagation and plant seeds and take them home to nurture and watch them grow. Where Does Our Food Come From? Children will explore the garden with Hazel and discover where veggies and fruits come from and how they grow.

Toby will be showing children how to identify trees in the park and as a Master Composter he also has a great activity called ‘Compost Lasagne’!

Moray has 2 bug themed activities; Be A Bug will see children hunting bugs in the garden and learn all about the insects they find, and there’s also a fun Build a Bug Hotel activity where children create a habitat for insects to take back to their school so they can study mini beasts.

Schools are very welcome to extend their visit and bring along  a picnic lunch to enjoy in the park, explore the playground, and follow the Woodland Trail and identify the paw prints. And of course, there’s always time for a hike up to Hoad for those feeling adventurous!

Some of our volunteers will be supporting the team to make these visits available to schools as we know how important it is to engage children at an early age. Who knows, some may be future volunteers!


Registered Office:

Ford Park, Ulverston, Cumbria

LA12 7JP

01229 580666

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Ford Park Community Group Registered Charity No: 1088106 

Copyright Ford Park 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Site by Suzanne Edgley 

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