If you’ve peeked through the windows of the greenhouse, you may have spotted some beautiful, raised beds!
We received funding from the National Garden Scheme to make some improvements to the greenhouse and garden, making planting more accessible and more productive.
Having purchased all the materials, Simon Barton, one of our amazing volunteers, has built the most beautiful, raised beds. Simon is a true craftsman and the beds, now filled with compost and tomato plants, will last for many, many, years.
Thank you, Simon, they look amazing.
You may have spotted Hazel has planted Marigolds in with the tomatoes.
Did you know that as well as attracting bees and other tomato benefiting insects, marigolds help to keep the soil healthy and deter tomato worms! Thank you, Hazel, for that top tip!
You may also have noticed we have trees for sale in the garden.
These have been kindly donated David Allen. Some of the trees will be planted in the park and others are on sale for a small donation in the walled garden.
Thank you David, your trees will be in gardens all around Ulverston for many years to come.
Thank you also to Pat Murphy of Holehird who has donated daffodil bulbs. Toby and the volunteers have planted these on the butterfly mound, and they will look stunning next spring.